ユーザー登録: 2015年9月
ファラフェルの会へのご参加ありがとうございました! 中東料理をはじめ、異文化に関する色々なことをよくご存知で、なにか「只者ではない感」があるなあ~と思いました(笑)。異文化の食べ物や結婚式の慣習や国民性など、お話がすごく面白くて、ティータイムが盛り上がりましたね。KitchHikeならではのスペシャルな出会いでした。ぜひまたいらしていただきたいです!
Kano san and I have chatted with each other for quite a while before we could make it for a KitchHike lunch because of my occupied schedule. My first impression of her was "woa, this is the most fashionable guest I have ever hosted on KitchHike"; and then I realized that she is very very tall and fit. She looks like a fashion model. The best thing is that we shared a lot of fun and had a very happy lunch together. During the lunch, we talked about cultures and hobbies and she introduced me and my husband her favorite farming exchange activity which is very interesting and we will plan to join that this coming Golden Week holiday. It will be wonderful if we can join that activity together. Kano san is very open and friendly, so it was very pleased for me to have a chance to meet and talk to her.