
ユーザー登録: 2015年7月

Hi! I'm a mother of two daughters and fond of talking with people. My spirit is friendly. I'd like to touch your culture, trying your menu and talking a lot. I'm going to visit you alone or sometimes with my family or friends. I'm looking forward to meeting you! :) ** I tried the following menus. オーセンティックな家庭料理 / sri lanakan home made meal by nadeeshani マレーシア伝統家庭料理ナシ・レマッ by Bibi ホームパーティメニュー♪「パラボック」を食べてみない? by Olivia 大人気プロのシェフが作る!本格的イタリアンフィッシュメニュー! by Gus 北インドドライカレー&ヨーグルト料理 by Geetanjali イスラエルワインフェア2016 by Mizuki 名物スパイシーチキンカレー! by nadeeshani 濃厚!ジャマイカンジャークチキン by Roy 人気のハラール料理!ナシ・レマッ by Nizam

レビュー (5)

  • Nizam

    Naoさんと娘さんがとてもフレンドリーですごく話しやすかったです。Nasi Lemakも完食していただいて、とてもうれしかったです。いろいろ話(今まで体験したKitchhikeの話や育児の話など)もできたのでホストとしても親としてもいろいろ勉強になりました。また、うちに食べに来てくださいね。今度4人で来てください : )


  • Roy

    I had the pleasure of hosting a very nice couple yesterday. Naoko and her husband Hiroshi joined me for dinner finally after many attempt at scheduling a time which was convenient for all of us. They brought me a gift and their appetites. They loved everything and ate seconds. Heroshi even had 3rds. They took home leftovers. To a cook that is the greatest compliment. I would welcome them back anytime and look forward to their next visit to try some other Jamaican cuisines.


  • Geetanjali

    Naoko San and her husband were great guests to hosts. They were very pleasant and made us quite comfortable. They were very caring and loving towards my son too, who is your years old. I would love to serve them again and again in the future!!! May God bless them!


  • Gus

    Sharing time and good conversation with Naoko and her husband was wonderful.
    They both are very inspiring.


  • nadeeshani

